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Allergy Tests

Don’t know why you struggle with sneezing, congestion, and watery eyes every day? Allergy testing can give you the answers you need.

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Allergen Profile Food Blood Test

The Purpose of a Food Allergy Profile Blood Test In recent years, there’s been a growing awareness of food allergies in a…


Food Allergen Profile (Basic) Blood Test

Also Known as Allergen-Specific IgE in Serum, IgE Test, sIgE Test The Purpose of a Basic Food Allergy Panel Food allergies…


Dairy Allergy Test Panel

Also Known As Milk Allergy Test, Allergen Profile for Milk Purpose of the Dairy Allergy Test A blood test for dairy…


Immunoglobulin E, Total IgE Blood Test

Also Known As CAP, ELISA, IGE Allergy Test, Quantitative IgE, RAST The Purpose of an IgE Test Chronic allergies aren’t just…


Mold Allergy Test Panel

Also Known As: Allergen Profile Mold  Purpose of the Mold Allergy Test Mold allergy testing helps diagnose allergy of molds,…


Shellfish Allergy Test Panel

Also Known As: Allergen Profile, Food-Shellfish, Quantitative Allergen-specific IgE Test (Shellfish)  Purpose of the Shellfish Allergy Test The shellfish allergy panel…


Allergen Profile – Grain Blood Test

Quantitative Allergen-specific IgE Test that identifies allergic reactions caused by wheat, rice, barley, oat, corn and rye. Recommended For:…


Isocyanates Profile Blood Test

The Purpose of an Isocyanate Blood Test Isocyanates are used to manufacture a variety of materials, including plastics, polyurethane, foams, and…


Immunoglobulin G, Subclasses (1-4) Blood Test

This test is used to study individuals with recurrent bacterial infections or allergy. However there are limitations to this…


Allergen Profile – Meat Blood Test

Quantitative Allergen-specific IgE Test that identifies allergic reactions caused by beef, chicken and pork. Recommended For: Those who may…


One in three adults in the US has an allergy. If you frequently struggle with sneezing, itching, or bloating, check out our comprehensive allergy testing.

Allergy testing not only provides much-needed relief from symptoms but also prevents its life-threatening effect, known as anaphylactic shock. While allergy symptoms may appear similar across types, allergens (allergic reaction triggers) vary. Our Allergen Profiles are categorized based on these triggers, making it easier for your healthcare provider to perform a proper diagnosis and prescribe treatment. 

You can order online allergy tests and visit one of our over 4,000 affiliated locations nationwide for convenient allergy testing near you.

What Are Allergies?

Allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to normally non-threatening substances or allergens. When exposed to an allergen, the body produces antibodies like immunoglobulin E (IgE) that activate the release of chemicals like histamine, causing allergy symptoms. Common allergen sources include:

  • Environmental – Dust mites, pet dander, pollen, mold
  • Food – Milk, eggs, peanuts, shellfish, wheat
  • Medications – Penicillin, aspirin, chemotherapy drugs
  • Insect stings – Bees, wasps, hornets

What Is The Role of Allergy Testing

Allergy blood tests help identify the specific triggers of allergic reactions–whether they are environmental allergens like dust, pollen, and insects, or food substances, certain chemicals, and medications. By knowing the source of your allergy, you’ll have better control of your health as you understand what to avoid and how to address the allergy through recommended treatment.

What are Allergies?

Allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to normally non-threatening compounds called allergens. When exposed to an allergen, the body produces antibodies like immunoglobulin E (IgE) that activate the release of chemicals like histamine, causing allergy symptoms. Common allergen sources include:

  • Environmental – Dust mites, pet dander, pollen, mold
  • Food – Milk, eggs, peanuts, shellfish, wheat
  • Medications – Penicillin, aspirin, chemotherapy drugs
  • Insect stings – Bees, wasps, hornets

Allergy widespread occurrence has rapidly increased over the last few decades. Today, allergies are the 6th foremost cause of chronic illness in the U.S. with a yearly cost over $18 billion. The most common allergic conditions are:

  • Hay fever – Affects up to 10% of adults and 40% of children
  • Asthma – Affects over 25 million Americans
  • Eczema – Affects over 30 million Americans
  • Food allergies – Affect over 32 million Americans
  • Anaphylaxis – Causes 500-1,000 deaths annually

What Are The Types of Allergy Blood Tests

We offer a comprehensive line of blood work allergy tests based on various types of allergens. These include:

  • Food allergy testing can pinpoint common possible allergens, including milk, grains, shellfish, meat, fruit, nuts, vegetables, and fish. 
  • Environmental allergy tests cover seasonal allergies caused by pollens, dust, and molds. These also include cat hair, grass, dog dander, and fire ants.
  • State-specific allergy tests include tests for common allergens found in different states. For example, if you live in Kansas, check out the Allergen Profile for KS, ND, NE, SD Blood Test.  

Book a blood test without waiting for a doctor’s appointment and complete the allergy blood test near you at one of our partner labs. 

Who Should Get Tested for Allergies?

People dealing with recurring allergy symptoms should book allergy testing online. Those with a genetic predisposition and those diagnosed with other allergies can also consider these tests to further protect their help.

Symptoms of allergy commonly include the following:

  • Skin redness, swelling, rashes, or hives
  • Runny nose
  • Stomach pain or bloating
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Coughing or difficulty breathing

With over 100 million Americans experiencing allergies in a year, allergy blood test has never been more crucial, especially in detecting and classifying the type of allergies. The most common conditions linked to allergies include:  

  • Hay fever – Affects up to 10% of adults and 40% of children
  • Asthma – Affects over 25 million Americans
  • Eczema – Affects over 30 million Americans
  • Food allergies – Affect over 32 million Americans
  • Anaphylaxis – Causes 500-1,000 deaths annually

When To Do Allergy Testing

Allergy blood tests should be taken as soon as possible, preferably at the onset of symptoms. Allergies left untreated can worsen, which can have dire consequences for your health. Anaphylaxis is a severe reaction that must be treated quickly to avoid complications that can be life-threatening. Having access to allergy testing near you is important because you get important information you can use to help manage your allergy and prevent those serious complications.

Understanding Allergy Test Results

Properly interpreting allergy testing results is the way to proper diagnosis and treatment. Allergists look at:

  • The size of the skin test wheal – Larger means greater reaction
  • The levels of allergen-specific IgE in the serum in kU/L units
  • Clinical history of symptoms upon allergen exposure

IgE levels above 0.35 kU/L generally signify an allergy, although lower levels can also trigger symptoms. The higher the IgE level, the more serious the allergy tends to be.

Classifying the severity of reaction using a scale from 1 to 6 helps gauge treatment approaches:

  • Grade 1-2 – Mild reaction, treated with avoidance
  • Grade 3-4 – Moderate reaction, may need medications
  • Grade 5-6 – Severe reaction, requires emergency medication

Get Tested for Allergies Near You Today!

The life-saving impact of allergy tests makes it worth every cent. With our simple, streamlined ordering process, you can get to the root of your allergies and optimize your health. Get allergy testing near you today

Learn More About Allergy Testing

photo skin allergy on a person's arm

Can You Suddenly Develop a Latex Allergy?

Latex allergies can develop suddenly, even if you have previously been tolerant. Read more about how latex can cause allergic reactions.

Blood Test Vs. Skin Test For Allergies: Which One Should You Get?

Allergy testing can be done using either the skin or blood. But how do these allergy tests work–and which one will work best for you? Learn more about blood and skin testing, the benefits of each method, and the common signs of allergies that signal it’s time to get help.

Is There A Blood Test To Detect The What You Are Allergic To

Is There A Blood Test To Detect What You Are Allergic To?

Food, bugs, animals, pollen–there are so many potential allergens out there that it’s hard to know what’s causing your uncomfortable symptoms. Allergy testing gives you the accurate information you need to pinpoint possible allergens to get the symptom relief you need. Find out more about allergy blood tests.

Latex Allergy

What is a Latex Allergy and am I at Risk?

Many everyday objects contain latex, from dishwashing gloves to the elastic on clothing, which makes life with a latex allergy difficult. Allergy blood testing can help determine if you have this condition, especially if you are at risk for a latex allergy. Read more about this type of allergy testing.